The ABC Essential Oil List

My kitchen and office are lined up with Essential oils!  In fact my husband found matches in the bathroom and wondered why they were there and I told him how I lit one of the candles while soaking in the tub with a couple of drops of lavender.  He then replied, “I thought we didn’t believe in candles anymore” .

It’s quite skeptical how my husband was at first and is now promoting them not only from home but even at church.  My office has a table there that contains a variety of oils.

Just last week I had a church member one week over due with her third child.  She was miserable.  I grabbed Clary Sage and Jasmine and put several drops around her ankles and on top of her feet.  I told her also to add Lavender also since she had that at home.   Within hours she went into labor and had her baby girl shortly after (two hours when she was scheduled to be induced)  She got her natural help and planned delivery! essential oils that may help in  starting labor

It seems like there is one for any ailment or condition you might have. You can also use them for cleaning, there is one for practically everything!

I found this ABC “go to” list for newbies, and people like me, who want a quick reference to grab when you want to find the right essential oil. I tried to include some of the most common conditions and some essential oil lingo that is a must have if you want to be able to talk essential oils!

Note: For the conditions listed only one or two oils are suggested; however, there are many oils or blends that will work great too!

Here’s  A To Z List Of The Many Uses For Essential Oils:Uses for essential oil list

A is for Anxiety –Apply Valor to bottom of feet or neck. Also use *breathe in method (see below).  Valor II is available if Valor is out of stock.

B is for Brain – Use Peppermint to boost memory and concentration. *Breathe in (see below)  I know Brain Power is great too as well as Clarity blend.

C is for Colds – Use Thieves oil. Apply 1-3 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on throat (upper), chest and /or back. Some people apply it to the bottom of their feet, massage a few drops (neat which means undiluted). I add this with peppermint to my diffuser as well as Eucalyptus . Want to take it up another level, get the Thieves spray and spray in your mouth!  Note: Be cautious using thieves oil on infants as it can be hot and/or irritate the baby’s skin.

D is for Diffuser – Diffusers help get the essential oil into the air in small particles (molecules) so you can inhale the essential oils effectively for the body to use. There are many types from attractive plug in ones that send a fine mist into the air or homemade reed diffusers.  The oils will stay in the air for several hours promoting a more healthy environment even long after you may not smell them.

E is for Ears – If you have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) try Helichrysum oil and massage 1 drop diluted around the outside of the ear.  The one place you don’t want to use oils is in the Eyes or Ear canal.

F is for Fatigue – I tried this one and it helped! Put 2-4 drops, diluted 50:50, of Peppermint on the thyroid area of the neck or temples and behind ears 2 to 3 times daily.   I also made my own Peppermint and Lavender inhalers from Etsy .

G is for Gout – Use Juniper or Frankincense topically. Massage 1-3 drops (diluted) on joint.

H is for Headache – Put Peppermint oil (diluted with carrier oil) on temples. M-Grain is my favorite for tension of the neck!

I is for Insect Bite – Use the oil blend Purification, Lavender or Peppermint. Apply oil (diluted) to bite as soon as bitten.

J is for Joint Pain – Apply Wintergreen or Peppermint 3-5 drops diluted 50:50.  The Blend PanAway is also great for this!

K is for Kidneys – Use Lemon essential oil. *Use breathe in method below.  If you need support also for the bladder, Lemongrass is much stronger and is one of our Vitality oils to be used by adding a drop to your water and drinking from a glass container several times a day.

L is for Lymphatic system – To stimulate and detoxify use Lemongrass or Rosemary. Diffuse or use *breathe in method.

M is for Mosquito bites – Put 2 drops Tea tree oil or Lavender mixed with water or carrier oil on bite.

N is for Neat – This means when applying topically , the oil is not diluted and used straight from the bottle. Some people prefer to dilute, however when applying many essential oils to the bottom of feet it is usually fine to use neat.

O is for Oral Care – Peppermint and Spearmint, mix with water and use as mouthwash or brush teeth with, spit out. Helps bad breath and it is a great antiseptic.  Orange will make your teeth whiter too.

P is for Pain – Use Peppermint for sore muscles. Take 4-6 drops and massage.  We also offer a great massage oil for sore muscles such as Ortho Sport and Ortho Ease!

Q is for Quick – Essential oils work quickly. Studies have found that when essential oils are applied topically they were able to be used in the body by every cell in 20 minutes or less.

R is for Restless Legs – Use Chamomile or Lavender. Use *breathe in method (below), diffuse or apply topically 2-4 drops (I prefer diluted).

S is for Stretch Marks – Frankincense or Lavender 3 to 6 drops neat or diluted 50:50, 2 x day.

T is for Sore Throat – Eucalyptus oil, *breathe in method. Topical 50:50 to throat or steam in method: Add a few drops of oil to water, put towel over head and breathe in.

U is for Underarm – Mix approximately 10 drops Lavender oil with 1/4 cup baking soda for a natural deodorant.

V is for Varicose Veins – Use Lemon. Several drops mixed with carrier oil, rub on veins.

W is for Wrinkles – Use Lavender or Frankincense. Mix 3 to 4 drops 50:50 with carrier oil. Be careful not to get the oil in eyes.

X is for X-Ray – Melrose Essential oil blend for radiation therapy exposure (protection). Apply a few drops mixed with 50:50 with carrier oil.

Y is for Young – Look younger by applying Frankincense oil, which can help reduce and prevent wrinkles.

Z is for zzzzzz……Sleep – Put a few drops of Lavender on your pillow if you’re having trouble getting to sleep as well as a drop on your wrist and a couple of drops on the bottom of your feet
.  I have a diffuser beside my bed with a couple of drops of lavender.

*Breathing In Essential Oils

Put 2 to 3 drops in your hand and after rubbing hands together, cup them around your nose and breathe in as the day goes on.

*Topical Applications

When applying topically you may want to dilute with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil as some oils can be very strong if applied undiluted. It is recommended to do a skin patch test when using an essential oil for the first time.


For babies and small children use of essential oils should be done with caution in mind as they can be strong for them. For babies and children it is best to dilute them with a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil.

Menthol containing oils, especially, should be used cautiously with children. These include oils such as; eucalyptus, camphor, and peppermint. They should not be used around the face and should be diluted for any small child.

Use all oils according to your discretion, oils are holistic care to support your body.  If you need medical attention please keep this in mind and see also disclosure.

Ready to BUY?  Click HERE

Why Use Essential Oils

My question to you is “Why not”?  

Essential Oils are great getting help with stress and toxins plus have been shown to help with many issues you may be having.  A great way to see if your body is lacking in anything is to get a Zyto Scan.  If you are local, we can plan to meet so just shoot me a comment and I can get back with you to arrange a time to do your body scan.

Ways to help with stress naturally.jpg

We are exposed to unwanted toxins every day. In our food, in our beauty products, even in the air we breathe. We live in an age where every few years another chemical is banned because it’s discovered (after 5, 10 or 20 years!) that is detrimental to our health.  Cancer is on the rise with 1 in 3 people getting cancer now days.

Toxins are stressful to your body — but they aren’t the only thing causing you stress!

Stress can also come from emotional events: we deal with trauma, negative people, hurtful conversations. Our own mental patterns can cause us emotional stress.

Our lifestyles can cause us stress, too. Maybe you are over-scheduled, or can’t sleep well, or have trouble eating a balanced diet.

So what do we do about all these toxins and stress?

You may have guessed already, but essential oils may help!


Toxins and Stress: How Essential Oils May Help

  1. Essential oils are environmentally friendly! If you’re like me, you like to reach for a natural solution first. Essential oils are a safer, non-toxic option to use for cleaning and personal care. I have them in my purse and in my bathroom, plus my husband even uses oils for cologne.
  2. Essential oils can help us cope with stress. Life can be stressful! We can work out to get rid of some of our stress, but life will never be stress-free. I use essential oils every day to help me deal with everyday stress (and even some of the bigger stresses in my life). I use them to help me be creative, before fitness, after fitness or just when I am a tad nervous or feeling stressed about an issue.
  3. Essential oils can help you live a healthier lifestyle. Did you know there are essential oils that help reduce food cravings? Or help you relax before bed so you can let go of all the worries from the day? Or help you balance your emotions so you can make choices that create more harmony in your life?  Lavender is my go to oil at night and it helps me with my sleep.  A few drops in the diffuser at bedside along with a few drops on my feet puts me into a relaxing deep sleep very quickly.

So you see being exposed to stress and toxins can prevent you from being the best you can be and living a life of abundance!

If you are ready to get started with a simple kit with diffuser, Click Here!

Why The Hype About Essential Oils

What is an essential oil and why all of sudden the craze?  I purchased my first oil kit over two years ago and found that it was a perfect fit for my family!  In fact, I use oils everyday just like I wouldn’t go without toothpaste, I can’t imagine my life without using the oils.

Before I got started, the research was very important.  There are several brands I would recommend but before jumping into buying a full kit, I would do some trial and error first to compare.  I have several friends who use different brands for different reasons.  For instance you may want to buy the Lavender from Young Living and DoTerra to compare prices/smell/quality/etc.  I chose to purchase from Young Living because of the relationship I had with a close friend and from the research I done on my own.  There are tons of info on the internet, some which could be bogus or not, but nothing compares to your own experience. In fact, I have had people to switch to Young Living due to the fact of the taste of Lemon and some of the other ingestible oils. You will know the difference after experience.

What Are Essential Oils?

  • Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic essences from plants — they can be from trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses, etc. I like to call them “concentrated herbs” just to keep it simple.
  • They can be clear, amber, blue, or green. They can be thin in consistency (like lavender) or very thick (like vetiver).
  • Essential oils actually come from specific parts of a plant. They might come from the peel (like orange oil), or from the needles and twigs (like pine), or from the tree resin (like frankincense).

How Essential Oils are Made

How these concentrated oils are made is actually really important.

The key to producing quality essential oils is to preserve as many of the delicate compounds as possible!

Take lavender for example: you can grow the same exact type of lavender plant in France and one in your garden and they will have similar, but different, properties. This is because the soil, climate, altitude, and many other factors will be different, therefore producing a very different oil with its own unique properties.

Some low-quality essential oils can be made from plants that were treated with pesticides and extracted with chemical solvents. These are NOT the oils you want to use for you or your family.  I have had people tell me… so Melissa, did you know you can get oils from Walmart now?  I wanted to scream!  So it is important to know that lavender aroma may somewhat “smell” good but that doesn’t mean it is real lavender.  Who wants “fake” when it comes to your health and wellness?

It’s important to choose essential oils that are made from high-quality plants and herbs that don’t contain GMOs, pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

Making an essential oil takes a lot of work and in some cases, tons of plant material to make even just a tiny amount of essential oil.

How many roses does it take for rose oil.jpg

For instance, to make just 1 oz of rose essential oil, you would need 60,000 roses. Crazy right? It’s no wonder high-quality essential oils may seem expensive. Have you ever thought of purchasing 60,000 roses? Imagine the time, energy and money it would take to get that many roses!

This is why some oils are very rare and sometimes expensive because they are either cold pressed, steamed or extracted from bark.

When you consider you can replace beauty products, cleaners, and other household products with essential oils, it usually comes out to be cheaper and way more natural — a win-win all around!  Do you want a chemical free home?  It’s the best decision I ever made!

If you are ready to get started with your Premium Kit, just leave me a comment below or click this My Premium Kit to get started today!

Essential Oils for Pet Owners and Groomers

diffusing oils for pets to help groomersUsing aromatherapy to tackle dog health problems is starting to gain recognition as a safe and effective alternative treatment.

Aromatherapy is more than just making your dog smell good!  100% pure therapeutic essential oils and hydrosols have medicinal properties and, if used appropriately, can be effective in treating an array of dog health problems – from skin irritations to motion sickness to certain behavioral problems such as hyperactivity. We can also blend different oils to create synergy.

Several situations are known to be unpleasant for dogs, and going to the groomer can be one of them. This can be due to being manipulated while restrained, having certain sensitive body areas touched, being shampooed, brushed, and having their nails trimmed, etc.

Signs of fear in dogs while at the groomer include:

  • Agitation
  • Panting
  • Salivating excessively
  • Trembling
  • Whining
  • Urinating/soiling
  • Attempting to escape
  • Attempting to bite due to fear*

Fortunately, there are  several options to help your dog cope with going to the groomer.

This is a great diffuser for pet groomers and vet officesSome groomers use diffusers in their facilities and therapeutic grade oils in a spray form on the blankets and tables they use for grooming.

A day before going to the groomer, put the pet diffuser with lavender oil or one of the recommended oils below on your dog diluted. This will give your dog 24 hours of calming effect before the visit. You can also spray your own essential oil spray on a bandana to place around your dog’s neck. Get your pet calm by using this diffuser

Dog Aromatherapy Safety

Just as certain scents will make you feel calmer, or more alert, less moody, or more energized — the same is true for your dog.

Dog owners everywhere are rushing to try a particular Essential Oil scent (or combination of scents) to see if it has any effect on their dog’s moods or behaviors.

Many liquid potpourri products and essential oils, including oil of cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang ylang, are poisonous to dogs. Both ingestion and skin exposure can be toxic. — VCA Animal Hospitals

Reasons To Try Pet Aromatherapy

A great way to make your pet happy is with a pet diffuser!  Great for helping  your dog stay calm before grooming or during a storm

Aromatherapy has been used to help dogs in the following ways:

  • to tame aggression
  • to lessen the effects of arthritis
  • to ease pain from cancer
  • to decrease coughs, congestion & respiratory problems
  • to help with digestion problems
  • to stop diarrhea
  • to treat dry skin & itching
  • to repel fleas & other insects
  • to help with gingivitis & bad breath
  • to help your pet deal with grief
  • to temper hyperactivity
  • to treat insect bites & stings
  • to help with nervousness & anxiety
  • to end nausea
  • to treat Ringworm
  • to end motion & travel sickness
  • to stop vomiting

Essential oils are very safe and much less toxic than the chemical filled shampoos and flea collars out on the market. As long as you don’t use too much and stay away from oils like wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) and mustard (Brassica nigra), you will be fine. — Natural Dog Health Remedies

  • Leave your dog in the room with the diffuser for about 30 minutes, and your dog will breathe in the Essential Oils as they evaporate into the air.
  • Do this twice a day for best effects.
  • The results will be very subtle.

How To Apply Essential Oils By Massage

Vita Flex for dogs to help calming and other optionsBefore applying to your dog’s skin, always dilute the Essential Oil in a base oil first. You’ll want to combine 2-3 drops of the Essential Oil (or combination of Essential Oils) of your choice with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. Then, massage gently into a hairless (or least hairy) area of the skin — such as the armpit, groin or inner thigh — for 3 to 4 minutes.

  • When applying Essential Oils directly on your dog, only apply to areas from the neck down to the tail.
  • NEVER apply anywhere near the eyes, nose, or face.
  • And never ever should Essential Oils be given internally to your dog.
  • Likewise, if at all possible, you want to avoid placing the oil in a spot that your dog could lick.
  • Do not use Essential Oils on pregnant or seizure-prone dogs without checking with your vet first.

Good carrier oils to consider when massaging Essential Oils onto your pet:  Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Avocado Oil

TIP: Grapeseed oil and Avocado oil tend to penetrate the skin the quickest.

The Best Essential Oils To Use With Dogs

Citronella + Lemongrass

Rosemary + Lavender






Myrrh + Patchouli

Myrrh + Patchouli

Lavender + Marjoram


Get your oils here!

Young Living’s Essential Oil diffuser give you the benefit of diffusing essential oils throughout your home, office or kennel. Diffusing is a simple and effective way to use essential oils. The diffuser disperses the oils without heating them so they retain their therapeutic benefits. When inhaled, the oils are easily absorbed through the lungs. Depending on the oil used, diffusing can cleanse the air of odor, remove airborne toxins, calm overactive or stressed pets, and support respiration.

(Purchasing the Premium Kit gives you the membership with a diffuser and 11 oils plus the 24% discount for other oils.  If you are interested in the 40% discount for Professional Membership for your business, please email or leave me a comment below.)

DISCLAIMER: The only oils I use and refer to (and use personally)in ALL my posts, tips and articles is Young Living Essential Oils. I DO NOT use any others and would not state what I do in our posts and articles about any other brands. Buyer Beware because not essential oils are the same and pure! 

If you need help ordering or becoming a member, email me & I’ll be glad to help you.

Essential Oil Aromatherapy Bracelets

I absolutely love my new essential oil bracelet!  You can purchase one here! I love my new essential bracelet

They come in different colors and actually while I am sitting here typing I can smell they yummy aroma from my oil that I put in it a few days ago.

The colors you can choose from are Blue, Pink, Purple, Rainbow, Black, Camo, and Glow in the Dark.  They have S, M, L and just to let you know, the S is very small and made for children I would believe under 8-9 unless they were really tiny.  I have a very small frame, and the M fit perfectly.   SEE THEM ALL HERE!Essential Bracelet colors!  Come in S,M,L

They even have one for pets!  I can’t wait to get one for my dog, because she has fits in the storm.  What a great way to calm her down with Lavender/Peace and Calming Essential Oil (Buy here)
How essential bracelet works sure to leave me a comment below if you have any questions!

Help your pet stay calm!  Attach to his collar when they visit the vet, during storms or just daily to help him relax!  Get your pet essential oil here: PET DIFFUSER

pet diffuser  - calm your pet during a storm pet diffuser for their collar

What Toxic Poison Is In Your CHAPSTICK?

ARE YOU ADDICTED TO POISON? Chapstick Danger....Let’s chat about that toxic chapstick you’ve got in your purse. You know… the one you apply on your lips and your kids lips all year-long.  Sadly, its riddled with toxic ingredients many of which are carcinogenic, endocrine disrupters, and immunotoxins.  You may or may not be aware of what is in your chapstick but as cancer is a constant awareness and more and more people are trying to find ways to be healthy and provide a healthy environment for their family, chapstick falls into just one of those issues.

Now I know what you are thinking, how can just a small thing hurt me?  Well take a look at the toxic ingredients and maybe a few times a year you may use this to help “heal” your lips, however the damage and the exposure is contributing to all the other many factors we expose ourselves to.

I know, dry lips are common any time of the year and I have seen several people actually addicted to chapstick.    In fact, you see it in the checkout lane at the grocery store, drug store, and even the gas station and it is so enticing to grab one on the go and stick in your purse.  I have been guilty of using it for stocking stuffers!

What are you giving your kids in the form of toxic chapstick?

Common toxic ingredients include petroleum or its by products, aluminum or its by products, parabens, toxic dyes and soy.  Many brands give the appearance that they are safe, but in fact just are NOT.

For instance, let’s look at  Chapstick Lip Balm in Cherry flavor:

chapstick is DANGEROUS! Camphor:  Camphor is a waxy substance derived from the camphor tree. It’s classified by the Environmental Working Group as potentially toxic. According to Medscape, “Ingestion of even small doses of camphor can cause fatal poisoning in small children. It produces gastrointestinal and central nervous system irritation after toxic ingestion. Nausea and vomiting followed by agitation and seizures are common.” Why would Pfizer include a potentially dangerous ingredient in a product that kids use all the time?


When “fragrance” is listed in the ingredients, you can assume it’s synthetic—and not a blend of natural flower extracts. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reports that “95% of the ingredients used to create fragrances today are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum, including benzene derivatives, aldehydes, and many other known toxins and sensitizers.” According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), there are potentially hundreds of chemicals in a single product’s secret fragrance mixture. 

Isopropyl Myristate
Though it’s used to moisturizer, isopropyl myristate actually dries the skin and hair, causing cracks and fissures. It also encourages bacterial growth. It’s classified as a human skin irritant, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Light Mineral Oil

Mineral oil is a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons sourced from petroleum. According to EWG, it may be an organ and immune system toxicant as well as a carcinogen. Light mineral oil can also be potentially contaminated with cancer-causing chemical polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Additionally, the environmental impact of using products sourced from crude oil, a non-renewable resource, is also of concern.

Methylparaben and Propylparaben

These are both parabens, preservatives used to discourage the growth of microbes in personal care products. They’re known endocrine disruptors, which means they disrupt hormone function and are linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Endocrine disruptors mimic estrogen in the body by binding to estrogen receptors on cells and wreaking havoc on the body’s organ systems, especially the reproductive system. 

Paraffin is a petrochemical (a byproduct of petroleum) and by-product of kerosene. According to David Pollack, founder of Just Ask David, it traps toxins and excess oil on the body so that your skin can’t breathe properly. It has been shown to have trace amounts of 1,4 Dioxane, a known carcinogen. 

Would you rub petroleum on your lips and even lick your lips knowing that is what is on there? This is one of the most common toxic ingredients in lip care products. 

Saccharin, an artificial sweetener, is used in this case as a flavoring agent (it makes the lip balm taste sweet). Although it is no longer considered to be a human carcinogen (early studies in rats showed a link to urinary bladder cancer), I prefer to avoid all man-made chemically derived artificial sweeteners.

Ingredients for most common chapstick:
Arachidyl propionate, camphor, carnauba wax, cetyl alcohol, D&C red no. 6 barium lake, fragrance, isopropyl lanolate, isopropyl myristate, lanolin, light mineral oil, menthol, methylparaben, octyldodecanol, paraffin, phenyl trimethicone, propylparaben, saccharin, white wax.

NOW… GO LOOK AT YOUR CHAPSTICK: Ingredients to avoid: 

– Parabens (of any kind)

– Petrolatum or Petroleum

– Chemical Fragrance or Flavor (commonly listed as Fragrance or Parfume)

– Chemical Dyes (commonly listed with a # next to them)

– Mineral Oil

Ingredients to avoid in an SPF lip balm:  Octinoxate , Oxybenzone, Avobenzone

It’s time to toss that junk and get yourself one of Young Living’s AMAZING lip balms. Seriously feels amazing on your lips and contains the best of the best ingredients! Great stocking stuffers too!


What is the best natural chapstick? Check out the poisonous chapstick ingredients!Lavender Lip Balm #5203 $5.26
What is the best natural chapstick? Check out the poisonous chapstick ingredients!Grapefruit Lip Balm #5178 $5.50
Cinnamint Lip Balm #5150 $5.59

What is the best natural chapstick? Check out the poisonous chapstick ingredients!Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Bees Wax, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Lycium Barbarum (Wolfberry) Seed Oil, Rosa Rubiginosa (Rosehip) Seed Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia† (Lavender) Oil, Tocopherol (Vitamin E), and Tocopheryl Acetate.

†100% pure therapeutic-grade™ essential oil

Leave a comment below for more information or click here to place an order.

What is in your chapstick???

Zyto Compass Body Scan

The first thing I usually get asked is “What is a Zyto scan? “, and the second thing is “Where can I get one done?” and the last one is “Where can I buy one?” of all the Zyto is a tool for your health.  distributors of different companies have the scan to help determine the needs of their clients and you can buy one at this site.

I am more convinced than ever about making available and using Zyto Compass to help find the most suitable supplements/ essential oils and nutrition to achieve total wellness for your whole family. Why? Because of the results it has given to my family, friends and those who attend my classes.

Now you can discover ways to use Zyto Compass.  It is a simple tool to help you take charge of your health and eliminate guesswork and waste.

I have had mine Zyto for almost a year now, and have scanned over 100 clients.  I found that 90% stated that their results made sense to what was happening in their health at that moment in time. I have even had several ask me if I was a fortune-teller and that is the truth!  The Zyto scan was right on target!  

 Several clients started using 1-3 of the suggested products in the protocols and with their next scan the results  showed a decrease in the amount of biomarkers out of alignment in their past scans.  

So why should you get a Zyto Scan?  THE RESULTS… HAPPIER & HEALTHIER CLIENTS, REPEAT BUSINESS and another source of INCOME too! 

Benefits of having your products in ZYTO software…..

Why have a Zyto Body Compass Scan.... determine what your body's needs are! ZYTO Select and Elite customers have access to all available products. Each practitioner has the ability to limit the available products to include only the specific inventory items they choose.

ZYTO Compass and ZYTO Balance customers are required to select a dedicated product company for each license. (listed below)

Consider the benefits of having your products included in ZYTO software:

  • Product Selection – Your customers can use ZYTO technology to help determine which of your products are biologically preferred by their patients
  • Product Education – ZYTO reports help your doctors consider biological preference of your entire product line, not just a handful of your products they are familiar with

When practitioners that purchase your products include them as balancers in the ZYTO scans they run on their patients, good things happen. Many companies experience sales growth based on an increase in practitioner supplement sales. This increase is typically paired with an increase in the overall patient satisfaction for the supplements taken.


The Scan only takes 4 minutes!  This simple assessment uses your skin’s electricity to determine bio-markers and the body’s systems out of balance (not diagnostic, for educational purposes only). Using the Zyto Compass Scan with the use of your Nutritional Products can help you measure overall improvements weekly or monthly. It also can give you an indication of stressed systems in your body.  Then it gives the report back to your computer for a read out.  I usually sit down with my client and go over the results and recommendations.  The license with the scan will also email the report to them.  If they wish, we can repeat the scan in 4-6 weeks to determine if the supplements/recommendations are helping meeting their body’s needs.

I am here to help and help you determine how it can help you or if you are local how you can get your Scan done for FREE!  Health providers usually charge anywhere from 25$ – 100$ to get the scan done and I can help determine your price you want to charge for your clients/customers.

Here are the companies that work with the Zyto and they usually update each month.  (contact me for the link to see update) If you work for these companies and want to increase your sales, then a ZYTO Body Scan is a must!

If you are ready to get started and setting up your own Zyto body compass scan for your family or business you can get your Zyto HERE.

For more information, please leave a comment below and I will get back with you within 24 hours.  Thank you!