Why Use Essential Oils

My question to you is “Why not”?  

Essential Oils are great getting help with stress and toxins plus have been shown to help with many issues you may be having.  A great way to see if your body is lacking in anything is to get a Zyto Scan.  If you are local, we can plan to meet so just shoot me a comment and I can get back with you to arrange a time to do your body scan.

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We are exposed to unwanted toxins every day. In our food, in our beauty products, even in the air we breathe. We live in an age where every few years another chemical is banned because it’s discovered (after 5, 10 or 20 years!) that is detrimental to our health.  Cancer is on the rise with 1 in 3 people getting cancer now days.

Toxins are stressful to your body — but they aren’t the only thing causing you stress!

Stress can also come from emotional events: we deal with trauma, negative people, hurtful conversations. Our own mental patterns can cause us emotional stress.

Our lifestyles can cause us stress, too. Maybe you are over-scheduled, or can’t sleep well, or have trouble eating a balanced diet.

So what do we do about all these toxins and stress?

You may have guessed already, but essential oils may help!


Toxins and Stress: How Essential Oils May Help

  1. Essential oils are environmentally friendly! If you’re like me, you like to reach for a natural solution first. Essential oils are a safer, non-toxic option to use for cleaning and personal care. I have them in my purse and in my bathroom, plus my husband even uses oils for cologne.
  2. Essential oils can help us cope with stress. Life can be stressful! We can work out to get rid of some of our stress, but life will never be stress-free. I use essential oils every day to help me deal with everyday stress (and even some of the bigger stresses in my life). I use them to help me be creative, before fitness, after fitness or just when I am a tad nervous or feeling stressed about an issue.
  3. Essential oils can help you live a healthier lifestyle. Did you know there are essential oils that help reduce food cravings? Or help you relax before bed so you can let go of all the worries from the day? Or help you balance your emotions so you can make choices that create more harmony in your life?  Lavender is my go to oil at night and it helps me with my sleep.  A few drops in the diffuser at bedside along with a few drops on my feet puts me into a relaxing deep sleep very quickly.

So you see being exposed to stress and toxins can prevent you from being the best you can be and living a life of abundance!

If you are ready to get started with a simple kit with diffuser, Click Here!

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