How To Buy

Want to get your Essential Oils at discount from retail as wholesale price?  Save 24%!

Our Premium Kit contains 11 oils, samples to give to friends and family and a diffuser!  Used medicinally for thousands of years Essential oils support your natural healing systems  and each oil in the Premium Kit is for all around everyday care.

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This kit contains:

Lavender:  Know as the Swiss Arm Knife of all oils!  Diffuse for a calming and comforting scent.  Unwind and Relax!

Peppermint:  May help support digestive system, respiratory and drop in the mouth curb appetite!

Lemon:  May help immune boosting system contains limonene. Flavor your glass of water or other recipes.  Better than fresh squeezed lemon because of no acid from the pulp!

Frankincense:  Diffuse or directly inhale to increase spirituality, inner strength, mood, and apply to skin which may help it to look smooth.

These oils are just a few contained in the kit!  Check out the rest of the oils here!  Be sure to look on my site for further reading of what essential oils can do for you!