Why The Hype About Essential Oils

What is an essential oil and why all of sudden the craze?  I purchased my first oil kit over two years ago and found that it was a perfect fit for my family!  In fact, I use oils everyday just like I wouldn’t go without toothpaste, I can’t imagine my life without using the oils.

Before I got started, the research was very important.  There are several brands I would recommend but before jumping into buying a full kit, I would do some trial and error first to compare.  I have several friends who use different brands for different reasons.  For instance you may want to buy the Lavender from Young Living and DoTerra to compare prices/smell/quality/etc.  I chose to purchase from Young Living because of the relationship I had with a close friend and from the research I done on my own.  There are tons of info on the internet, some which could be bogus or not, but nothing compares to your own experience. In fact, I have had people to switch to Young Living due to the fact of the taste of Lemon and some of the other ingestible oils. You will know the difference after experience.

What Are Essential Oils?

  • Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic essences from plants — they can be from trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses, etc. I like to call them “concentrated herbs” just to keep it simple.
  • They can be clear, amber, blue, or green. They can be thin in consistency (like lavender) or very thick (like vetiver).
  • Essential oils actually come from specific parts of a plant. They might come from the peel (like orange oil), or from the needles and twigs (like pine), or from the tree resin (like frankincense).

How Essential Oils are Made

How these concentrated oils are made is actually really important.

The key to producing quality essential oils is to preserve as many of the delicate compounds as possible!

Take lavender for example: you can grow the same exact type of lavender plant in France and one in your garden and they will have similar, but different, properties. This is because the soil, climate, altitude, and many other factors will be different, therefore producing a very different oil with its own unique properties.

Some low-quality essential oils can be made from plants that were treated with pesticides and extracted with chemical solvents. These are NOT the oils you want to use for you or your family.  I have had people tell me… so Melissa, did you know you can get oils from Walmart now?  I wanted to scream!  So it is important to know that lavender aroma may somewhat “smell” good but that doesn’t mean it is real lavender.  Who wants “fake” when it comes to your health and wellness?

It’s important to choose essential oils that are made from high-quality plants and herbs that don’t contain GMOs, pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

Making an essential oil takes a lot of work and in some cases, tons of plant material to make even just a tiny amount of essential oil.

How many roses does it take for rose oil.jpg

For instance, to make just 1 oz of rose essential oil, you would need 60,000 roses. Crazy right? It’s no wonder high-quality essential oils may seem expensive. Have you ever thought of purchasing 60,000 roses? Imagine the time, energy and money it would take to get that many roses!

This is why some oils are very rare and sometimes expensive because they are either cold pressed, steamed or extracted from bark.

When you consider you can replace beauty products, cleaners, and other household products with essential oils, it usually comes out to be cheaper and way more natural — a win-win all around!  Do you want a chemical free home?  It’s the best decision I ever made!

If you are ready to get started with your Premium Kit, just leave me a comment below or click this My Premium Kit to get started today!

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